Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to SPPU

AI & Data Science department

AI & Data Science Intake


Welcome to the pinnacle of innovation at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. As the Head of this distinguished department, I am honored to guide a cohort of exceptional minds devoted to trailblazing advancements in the realms of AI and data science. Our mission transcends traditional paradigms, driven not only to redefine the very boundaries of possibility within these dynamic fields but also to instigate transformative impacts across a spectrum of industries and societal landscapes. Committed to an unwavering pursuit of excellence, we cultivate a collaborative ecosystem where creativity flourishes, pioneering research takes root, and interdisciplinary perspectives converge to sculpt the trajectory of intelligent systems. Together, we stand at the forefront, ready to script the narrative of tomorrow, pushing the limits of knowledge and navigating toward an era of heightened connectivity and intelligence. Embrace the future with us, where innovation knows no bounds.

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AI & Data Science Faculty

Prof. Vrushali More

M. E. (VLSI & ES)

Assistant Professor

Experience: 7.5+ Years

Prof. Vidya Bhosale

M. E. (VLSI & ES)

Assistant Professor

Experience: 11+ Years